보랏빛 섬이 온다(영문판)
Here Comes The Purple Island
저자 : 김병희, 홍경수, 김범주 | 역자 :
페이지 : 216p
  • 가격
  • ISBN
  • 발행일
  • 판형
  • 제본
  • 수량
  • 18,000원
  • 978-89-997-3075-7 03320
  • 2024-03-05
  • 국판
  • 반양장


2022년에 출간된 『보랏빛 섬이 온다: 인구소멸시대의 문화예술행정 이야기』의 영문판이다.앞으로 여행이 어떻게 변하게 될까? 이 책은 신안군의 여러 볼거리와 즐길 거리를 소개하고 있지만, 결코 여행 가이드북이 아니다. 74개의 유인도를 비롯해 모두 1,025개의 섬(1004섬으로 통칭)으로 구성된 섬들의 천국인 전라남도 신안군에서 인구 절벽과 노령화 현상을 앞두고 지역의 환경과 문화를 바탕으로 섬에 활력을 불어넣기 위해 어떻게 노력해 왔는지 돌아보는 행정 혁신의 기록이다. 그동안 여러 지방자치단체에서 지역 재생을 위한 행정을 펼쳐 왔지만, 퍼플섬의 컬러 마케팅을 비롯한 신안군의 사례만큼 혁신적인 사례는 드물다. 행정 책임자와 구성원 및 주민들이 한마음으로 변화와 혁신을 실천한 결과물이라 더 의미가 크다. How will travel evolve in the future? While this book introduces various attractions and activities in Shinan county, it is by no means a travel guide. It is a record of administrative innovation, looking back on how efforts have been made to invigorate the islands, including 74 inhabited islands and a total of 1,025 islands(commonly referred to as 1,004 islands), which make up the heaven of islands in Shinan county, Jeollanam-do, facing population cliffs and aging phenomena, based on the local environment and culture. Various local autonomous entities have carried out administration for regional regeneration, but innovative examples such as the color marketing of Purple island in Shinan county are rare. It is even more meaningful as a result of the administrative leaders, members, and residents practicing change and innovation together.



<font color=9966CC><b>Chapter 1 Color Marketing that Attracts People</b></font>
1. The Concept and Cases of Color Marketing
2. Color Marketing Activities of Shinan County’s Purple Island
3. Domestic and International Reactions to the Color Marketing of Purple Island
4. Ongoing Color Marketing of Shinan County
5. Significance of Purple Island’s Color Marketing

<font color=9966CC><b>Chapter 2 Green Marketing that Regenerates Regions with Flowers and Trees</b></font>
1. Concept of Green Marketing
2. Structure and Scope of Green Marketing
3. Utilization of Flowers and Trees in Green Marketing and Green Consumers
4. The Flopia Project of Shinan County
5. Expanding Flopia and Its Development Direction

<font color=9966CC><b>Chapter 3 Art Marketing that Revives a Region with Art</b></font>
1. The Floating Art Museum, Anjwado Island, Commemorating the Artistic Spirit of Kim Whan-ki
2. Infinito Museum in Jaeundo island
3. Sea Art Museum in Bigeumdo Island and Antony Gormley
4. Architectural Art of Seomtiago Pilgrimage Road in Gijeom-Soakdo Island
5. The Ongoing ‘One Museum Per One Island Project’ in Shinan County

<font color=9966CC><b>Chapter 4 For the Place Marketing Strategy of Shinan County</b></font>
1. Concept and Characteristics of Place Marketing
2. Cases of Place Marketing
3. Place Marketing Strategy of Shinan County

End Note




